von Franziska Kuhn | Apr. 12, 2023 | Schüler Beitrag
Sunday, 9th April: The last week was the famous “Semana Santa”, the week before Easter, when many prozessions take place. As it was my last week, I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible and so I didn’t write any blog. We went to “San Sebastian”, did a hiking and a...
von :) | Apr. 5, 2023 | Schüler Beitrag
Wednesday, 5th April: Finally I also went to Madrid! Together with my host-aunt I was spending the last four days in Madrid where we lived in the house of some friends. Everyday from the morning until the evening we made excursions to famous sights in Madrid, like for...
von Franziska Kuhn | Apr. 1, 2023 | Schüler Beitrag
Thursday, 30th March: A village in one of the smallest federal states of Spain, not located at the Camino de Santigo and with just about one main street and two hundred residents, seems boring to you? Well I can tell, that San Millán de la Cogolla, a village...
von CPG-Gilching | Apr. 17, 2023 | Schulleiter-News
Ich hoffe, unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler, deren Eltern sowie meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen konnten die Ostertage genießen und gute Erholung finden. In der nächsten Etappe bis zu den Pfingstferien erwartet euch, liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, eine intensive Phase...
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