Andalucia 3

21 Mrz, 2024

On day 3 we went to Cordoba and visited the city centre as well as the famous and breathtakingly big mezquita de los musulmanes, which was built a long tima ago, in the 8th century. Back then Córdoba war ruled by Muslims and they built the mosque. Later on, when Christians took over, they turned it into a cathedral. That’s why it’s go a mix of Muslim and Christian styles inside. When you walk in, you’ll see lots of arches and pillars. They’re really pretty and make you feel like your’re in a special place. There are also cool patterns on the walls, that Muslims made a long time ago. You can even see parts that look more like a church with Christian staues and things. The class got separated into smaller groups and then we got a guided tour through the church and the guides explained about the architecture but also expanded on the topic of culture. Later we also walked into the city centre and visited another small part of the mezquita which was separated from the rest and looked more like a small praying room. The influence of the Christian community was stronly visible in this part. After we left the mezquita, we walked to the bridge and all the groups joined again and we walked back to the bus, which brought us to the hotel. The hotel we arrived at in Sevilla was very beautiful and the food was delicious. I thought about this adventurous but exhausting day, and it was very nice.


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