Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week

6 März, 2024

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On Tuesday I was at the local English club and it was really fun learning with the other students. On Wednesday we went to the city hall of Logroño with our exchange students and got a guided tour trough it. The tour guide spoke a very clear Spanish, so I didn’t have any trouble understanding it and he told us some interesting facts about the architecture of the city hall building. For example they ordered a special architecture to make the building look modest. Beautiful windows provide a lightflooded appear ance and overall the inside looked very friendly. We visited the big hall and the public theater, which is included. Moreover, the tour guider showed us special room behind the big hall curtains, which leads to a gallery of paintings showing the previous and actual  presidents of the city Logroño. After that we went back to  the school and attended lunch break. Three hours later I walked home with my new friend and followed my usual after school routine.

My first Weekend in Spain: My hostfamily and me went to the their village, which is called Alfaro, to visit some family. After a one hour drive, we finally arrived and went to dinner with the relatives . Some friends also went with us and later we all went to Calahorra together, which is the next big city. There was an open concert wich we really enjoyed as well as fireworks. On Sunday i walked through Alfaro with my host family and we had a coffee together.

Alfaro is famous for hosting the most storks in all of Europe and we actually saw a lot on the top of the big church building. The roof is used by many storks, who built their nests on top of it. At night we drove back to Logroño and that’s it.

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