Hiking in Navarra

25 März, 2023

Wednesday, the 22nd of March
Last weekend my host family and I went on a hike in the mountain range called Sierra de Codés in the west of Navarra. It took us about 40 minutes to get there by car and luckily we had great weather that day!


Hiking to the top of the mountain took us about one hour and it was amazing. The sun was shining but still there was a little but of wind so it was perfect to go hiking.

On top of the mountain we took some pictures and enjoyed the amazing view. After that we sat down, had lunch and then we went back down to the car. 


We drove to a small village where the grandparents of my exchange partner live and there we talked, drank a tea together and they showed me their home which was very pretty. 

I had a great day with a lot of sun and I really ejoyed the trip!


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